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Unlocking the Potential of Biotechnology in Food Production (Online Course)

04/01/2024 - 10:30 a 04/05/2024 - 10:30

Course Overview

As the world’s population continues to grow, the need for sustainable and resilient food systems becomes increasingly important. Biotechnology offers innovative solutions that can help address the complex challenges facing our food systems.

This course provides an overview of the applications of biotechnology in the agriculture and food industry, exploring how it contributes to food security, creates economic value, and addresses challenges in developing new varieties. The course also examines the use of biotechnology in livestock and fisheries, the food industry, and agricultural waste management.

This course is unique in that it provides an inter-regional approach to food security and biotechnology by including perspectives from Africa and Latin America. Researchers, experts and companies from both regions will contribute theoretical concepts, best practices and case studies to provide a broader view of the issues.

The course is led by OBREAL and the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria and is part of the Interregional Dialogue Education and Development in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa that will take place in Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) in July 2024.

The modules in this course are:

  • Module 1: How Biotechnology can contribute to food security? | 11 April – 11:00h GMT-3
  • Module 2: Is Bioeconomic an opportunity to create value? | 25 April – 11:00h GMT-3
  • Module 3: Transgenic or gene editing: challenges for new varieties | 9 May- 11:00h GMT-3
  • Module 4: Biotechnology for livestock and fisheries | 23 May- 11:00h GMT-3
  • Module 5: Biotechnology in the food industry | 6 June- 11:00h GMT-3
  • Module 6: Biotechnology and management of agricultural waste | 20 June- 11:00h GMT-3

Application deadline: April 5th, 2024.

For more information: [email protected] 


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